T.B. Croat & R. Cirino
Formerly known as Anthurium splendidum (a different species)
Anthurium luxurians T.B. Croat & R. Cirino
Formerly known as Anthurium
splendidum (a different species)
The first time I saw Anthurium
luxurians was in
a darkened area of the Fairchild Tropical Gardens exotic and rare plant
atrium in Miami. A terrestrial anthurium with large bullate
(puckering or quilted) leaves, the
plant was growing almost hidden against a wall adjacent to the indoor
pool. Every time I'd go to Fairchild I'd try to find out some
information, any information, but little was offered. The name wasn't
even posted. But I wanted one!
A. luxurians is a truly rare Anthurium with thick coriaceous (leathery) leaves and short stems (at least it was rare before it began to be cloned) which at one time was quite difficult to locate and very expensive. Today you can buy a tissue cultured specimen relatively cheaply. I believe the plant still deserves the "rare" plant icon due to its rarity in nature. The leaves, which can grow large, are unusual in that they a created much like the facets of a cut diamond. Each "facet" reflects the light in a way unlike any other plant I have personally observed. In cultivation they are reported to grow up to 2 feet (60cm) long and 20 inches (50cm) wide. The plant's spadix produces red to purple-red seed berries. Anthurium species are known to be highly variable and not every leaf of every specimen will always appear the same. This link explains in greater detail the scientific principle of natural variation and morphogenesis. Click here. Although many growers assume the spathe that appears when an aroid produces an inflorescence is a flower, instead the spathe is only a modified leaf. An aroid, all Anthurium species reproduce via the production an inflorescence. The stalk that supports the entire inflorescence is the peduncle. When an Anthurium is "in flower" the reference is to the tiny flowers containing both male and female sexual parts that grow on the spadix at the center of the inflorescence. Unlike plants in the genus Philodendron which contain imperfect flowers having only a single sex Anthurium possess perfect flowers containing both sexes. To help prevent self pollination nature has designed the female flowers to be receptive before the male portion of the flower produce their pollen so in most cases an insect must bring pollen from another plant. See the link below for more information on the sexual reproduction of any aroid. Our specimen of Anthurium luxurians is still relatively small with leaves approaching 8 inches (20cm). We grow it in subdued light in a hanging basket to help protect it from insect predation. Although the leaves are thick and leathery, when young they are subject to damage from insects. We use a very well draining soil mixture of potting soil, extra peat, a large helping of orchid potting mix and Perlite™. The mix holds moisture but does not remain soggy. Collectors who possess a fully grown specimen often prize the plant and protect it from any and all dangers.
Aroid Pollination!
If you are seeking information on other rare
species, click on "Aroids and other genera in the Collection" at the top and look for
*Out of print copies of
Aroideana can often be ordered directly from the International Aroid
http://www.aroid.org/ To join the International Aroid Society: http://www.exoticrainforest.com/Join%20IAS.html